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Thats iniquitous. What if that is your bread and butter?What if thats the only source of your income, after all the hard work, someone will just steal your work, thats unjust. As what Professor Lessig lectured, the CREATORS should choose, empower, encourage. And in return, we should respect them. 4 Section 184. Limitations on 184. 1. Notwithstanding the provisions of Chapter V, the following acts shall not constitute infringement of 101, P. D. No. 49b The making of quotations from a published work if they are compatible with fair use and only to the extent justified for the purpose, including quotations from newspaper articles and periodicals in the form of press summaries: Provided, That the source and the name of the author, if appearing on the work, are mentioned; Sec.

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Regular breaks can help if possible. If possible, get up and move around your office at least one time per hour to keep your stress down. While sitting at your desk, you can do relaxation and stretching exercises. Replace your caffeinated coffee and soda with water. Leave the work in the office if you can. If you have days off, then take them.

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Continued to follow it down, winding and twisting about very much to almost every point of the compass. At seven miles from the pools found a little more water, but not a drop between. Allowed the horses to drink what there was, and proceeded down it. I sent Thring to follow it on one side, while I and the rest of the party kept on the other. By this we were enabled to cut off the bends and see all the creeks, so that no water could escape us. Twice it became very small, and I was afraid we were going to lose it altogether, but it commenced again and became a fine creek. Not a drop of water. At a quarter to five camped without it. Stony rises are now commencing, which are covered with gum and other trees, also a low scrub. They are very rough and running nearly west and south. The one on the west is a continuation of the one I crossed in coming to Purdie Ponds.

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In reality, Western concessions are strengthening Khamenei further reducing the possibility of change, and increasing the likelihood of outright war. Researchers say people's genes help them to stay slim. Thin people have DNA that help them stay slim and stops them putting on weight. A professor of metabolism and medicine said: "Genes play at least 40 per cent of a role in people's weight. It's much more than people realize. " This might explain why some people are naturally skinny, while others have problems with keeping their weight down. The researchers wanted to find out why so many people struggle with their weight. On the island of Nauru, 94. 5 per cent of adults are overweight. The professor wanted to help people who are struggling. She said: "It's easy to rush to judgment and criticize people for their weight.

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